It had been an least two years since any of us had been to Mr. B’s. So we decided to celebrate two birthdays with lunch at Mr. B’s. Two Gumbos were on the menu, a chicken and andouille and the classic Mr. B’s seafood gumbo. We decided that the seafood gumbo is the touchstone of New Orleans gumbos. Elegant, tasty, and sensuous. Worth the visit.
We loved the food. Duck, pork, and steak. Best of that old Brennan charm. But where’s the rabbit that was often a feature on the old Mr. B’s?
Service was a trifle spotty by Mr. B’s standards, but better than most any where else. Desserts were not compelling. Someone described the molten chocolate cake (moulleux au chocolat) as more of a chocolate cup cake.
Total about $25 per person for lunch, not including the champagne splurge. Of note is the martini special pricing at lunch. Too bad they don’t sell them as six packs…
The restaurant was packed with happy returnees. Reservations (remember those things?) a good idea…